Meaningful Work, Lifetime Friendships.
Evening Meetings
Year Round
Once a month we hold an evening meeting. These casual evenings are a great time to socialize with fellow Rotarians and their spouses, partners, friends and potential members.
Pork in the Morning
Year Round
Each year our club purchases livestock from the County Fair Livestock Auction. The resulting pork products are auctioned off at our morning meetings in order to raise money for the following year's auction.
June 27th
Rotarians help clean up the main street through Mariposa throughout the year (and often enjoy fellowship and a delicious breakfast afterwards!).
Sober Grad Night
June 8th
This fun, safe and sober graduation celebration was started by the Rotary Club of Mariposa Yosemite in 1989 and continues in 2023! Eighty students attended the celebration where Rotarians volunteered at the "Casino" and donated laptops to the event.
Trails Day
June 3rd
RCMY joined a number of local groups to celebrate Mariposa County's diversity of trails: hiking, biking, rafting, kayaking, fishing, rock climbing and equestrian. This free event included music, a fun run and a hike in conjunction with National Trails Day.
Art, Wine & Wheels
May 27th
Our 17th annual Art, Wine & Wheels festival was a great success full of delicious wine tasting, unique artisans and classic cars.
Laptops to Grizzly Boosters
May 25th
Two laptop computers were donated to the Grizzly Boosters who organize food, prizes, and entertainment for Sober Grad Night - an evening of safe and sober graduation fun for Mariposa high school seniors.
New Brochure
May 18th
Our club's printed brochure got a facelift this year! Pick one up at locations around Mariposa, CA.
Rotary Scholarships
May 18th
On May 18th, 2023, the Rotary Club of Mariposa Yosemite welcomed their 2023 Rotary Scholars who were recipients of funds for their post secondary education. These scholarships are made possible by memorial donations by Rotarians, the club's annual Rotary Scholarship Golf Tournament, the annual Art, Wine & Wheels festival, and parking at the Butterfly Festival and County Fair.
Dictionary Distribution
May 18th
Each year Mariposa Yosemite Rotarians distribute dictionaries to third graders throughout Mariposa County, including Mariposa County Unified School District students as well as home schooled children.
Military Entrants Recognition
May 11th
The Rotary Club of Mariposa Yosemite recognized young members of the community entering the military by inviting them to join us for a morning meeting to share their upcoming military plans, and will donate a check toward some of their expenses upon finishing basic training.
Butterfly Festival Parking
May 6th - 7th
Rotarians man the parking entrances to the Butterfly Festival to collect a parking fee and direct folks to the festival. The Butterfly Festival celebrates the Spanish name of the historic gold rush town of "Mariposa" meaning "butterfly".
YCA 1st Annual Mariposa Facelift
April 22nd
Members of the Rotary Club of Mariposa Yosemite joined 64 total volunteers and 25 other local organizations to collect 1,508 pounds of trash in Mariposa for the 1st annual Mariposa Facelift put on by the Yosemite Climbing Association.
February 17th and 20th
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where teens develop their skills as leaders while having fun and making connections.
January 26th 2023
We had 4 excellent speeches given by our high school students on Thursday, January 26th. Their theme was “Imagine Peace,” and each of them spoke about their goals, hopes and dreams.
January 2023
We run a long standing program of giving a beautiful dictionary to every 3rd grader. We still hear comments from now adults, that they remember receiving their dictionary and how much they loved it.
December 17th 2022
Partnering with The Lions Club and The Mariposa Chamber of Commerce, we all set about planning and preparing the Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting and Village.
Our Club's responsibility was the new Village. So we set about making plans, drawing schematics and building the Village for our Town to enjoy.
Watch the video above and you will see the many hands that make light work. Many, many thanks to all those who came and helped, we couldn't have done it without you. Enjoy!!
December 16th and 17th 2022
Braving the cold weather, we donned our hats and aprons and set about ringing the bells for the Salvation Army.
November 2022
We came together collecting goods for Mountain Crisis. Delivering them over Thanksgiving Holiday.
Trunk or Treat October 31st 2022
Participating in Mariposa Safe Families Trunk or Treat Event, we pulled together an Alice in Wonderland tunnel with lights, animatronics and all the cast.
Many thanks to the community who voted us as the best display!
October 22nd 2022
We held our yearly Golf Tournament at the beautiful River Creek Golf Course. Thanks to all the Sponsors and players, we raised money for the Scholarship Fund.
October 15th 2022
Being one of the Sponsors for the show, we entered a car, had a booth with all our club information and provided an Air Compressor, as one of the prizes.
September 2nd - 5th 2022
Working hard, raising funds for club projects where we support our community. Whilst parking locals an visitors from all over the State.
August 22nd 2022
At the organizational meeting for the Oak Fire some immediate needs were identified by the Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation. A number of tribal members were displaced as a result of the fire and the tribal council opened the Miwumati Healing Center on Highway 49 South to those community members requiring housing, supplies, clothing and food. As a part of ensuring support for those displaced families, the Healing Center wanted to put a commercial washer and dryer in the Center facility for use by community members needing that assistance. This
was an important need that was immediately addressable, and at the Rotary Board meeting on August 10 our directors authorized the purchase of the washer and dryer requested by the tribe. Those items were delivered and installed on August 22.
August 13th 2022
Working with Mariposa Lions; Mariposa International Order of Oddfellows; Mariposa Soroptmists; Mariposa VFW Post #6042; Steve Sportsman Cafe, with Steve Knauf; ECV Mariposa Clampers; Mariposa Chamber of Commerce; Oakhurst Sierra Sunrise Rotary; CalFire; and Mariposa Safe Familes to name but a few. We banded together to bring a free picnic, music and games to the community after the Oak Fire, to help bring healing and hope.
July 2022
Eric Weihe, our President and Joe Williams President of Lions club matching funds for the Mariposa bears football team new portable scoreboard.